Sunday, November 22, 2015

Why Your Top Quality Dog Food May Be Lacking in Nutrients

Everyday us dog owners or as we like to call ourselves, Dog Enthusiasts, search for the highest quality dog foods to feed our beloved pets. The task should be easy enough, read the labels, look for artificial junk and weed out the general fillers. Then drop your hard earned $60-$100 on the best dog food money can buy. However, although the quality might be top notch, is the nutrient profile up to par?

"According to the Animal Nutrition Group at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, studies show drying pet food at 160°C (320°F) to 180°C (356°F) can significantly reduce its nutritional value." 


Why are dog foods missing vital nutrients? Simply because these commercially processed dog foods must be heat treated to kill off any lingering bacteria or harmful organisms. While the heat process is meant to protect your dog from food bourne illness, it also may deprive your dog of the necessary vitamins he or she may need. Nutrient replenishment is not only beneficial for all dogs but especially critical for the active dogs, working dogs, sporting dogs, hunting dogs, big dogs and show dogs.  

Chances are that most dog foods may not have the nutrients necessary for your dog to live an extraordinarily healthy lifestyle. This does not mean the dog food is bad and this is not meant to bash any dog foods. The protein and fat content will for the most part, be on par for your dogs needs. But specifically speaking on the nutritional value or vitamins and minerals, you may need to add a high quality dog supplement to your dog's food.

Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are our foundation to health. They are also the foundation to having a healthy pet. Don't let your dog be undernourished. Research a healthy dog vitamin supplement to balance your dog's diet. A high quality dog supplement should be able to produce visible results to the skin and coat of your dog within a few weeks.

If you have already done your research on finding the best, high quality dog food, then you're already on the right track. Just look into adding a nice high quality dog supplement, preferably human-grade.


J. Wilson   


Friday, August 24, 2012

Buff K-9 Dog Vitamin Supplements for health, joints, muscle building, skin & coat, and immune system.

Buff K-9 Dog Supplements can be used by all breeds for great results in performance and health. Visit: for more information. And check out our before/after page: